Our Fall Fundraising and Membership Drive has just launched today! We are asking for your support to help us get to the next level of service to the community, with a goal of $5555 by the end of 2024. This amount will cover three months of payroll expenses for our second part-time worker, Kathy Lucas, who is working diligently with our Director, Eva Hunter, to expand our programs and offerings. We also like that $5555 is an angel number associated with spiritual awakening and transformation!
To that end we now have a GoFundMe page that makes it easy to donate any amount of your choosing. You can make a one-time donation or set up monthly giving. After donating, please click the SHARE button and let your friends, families and colleagues know about our fundraising drive.
Another way to support the FOL during this time of expansion is to join as a member or renew your membership if it has lapsed. Becoming a member has several benefits, including the option to be listed in our member directory of services, products, interests and blessings. Find out more on our membership page.
We've also been busy expanding our public programming with more weekly classes (QiGong & Afro-Cuban Drumming), new workshop series, engaging performances (music, magic, poetry), interactive kirtan/ecstatic chant, moon circles, and joyful cultural events. On November 8-10 we're hosting a series of events as part of our Fall Fundraising and Membership Drive, with a poetry performance by Peter Fortunato on Nov. 8, an Open Mic and Dessert Social with Dances of Universal Peace on Nov. 9, and a Community Potluck and Kirtan with Damodar Das on Nov. 10. More details and links below...
Word is getting around about our facility and more people and groups are choosing us for their private events and gatherings - workshops, retreats. weddings, birthdays, etc. Great non-profits like Tompkins Food Future and the Human Services Coalition hold events here, and many people choose to mark important life passages here too.
All of this programming and development takes a lot of work! Human power is needed to get the Foundation of Light to the next level of its potential. Your donations help support our recent staff expansion. As the use of our facility expands, so does our income and ability to meet our budget. Your assistance will be very helpful to tide us over as our efforts gain traction.
Please join us for one or more of these special events we have planned on November 8-10:
Friday, Nov. 8 @ 7pm
An Enchanted Evening with Peter Fortunato, Poet, Shaman, Hypnotist
Peter’s performances are ceremonies of imagination, spontaneous interactions with his audience, and presentations of his poetry. This evening’s theme is “The Journeys We’re On” and it begins with a shamanic ritual to open hearts and minds with drum and words. Expect to be taken places!
Admission: $10 - $20 sliding scale. All proceeds benefit the Foundation of Light
Details: https://tockify.com/mary.jo/detail/128/1731110400000

Saturday, Nov. 9 @ 6pm
A Home-Baked Open Mic to Bridge Divides - with Dances of Universal Peace
Come express your talents and abilities with the community! Whether you're a singer, play an instrument, read poetry or prose, dance/move, or do performance art - we applaud and encourage you to be part of this fun and engaging evening. We'll begin at 6pm with a few Dances of Universal Peace, an easy to learn moving meditation with song and simple movements, followed by a dessert social and the Open Mic. Together we will create a sweet energy field of love and care that flows out into the local community and beyond.
Cost: This event is part of FOL's fundraising and membership drive weekend. Please donate or join! No one turned away.
Details: https://tockify.com/mary.jo/detail/132/1731193200000

Sunday, Nov. 10 @ 5pm
Community Potluck and Chanting with Damodar Das
Join us for a potluck feast at 5pm, followed by sacred chanting. Bring your favorite labeled potluck dish to share, and enjoy a good meal before we start chanting. Kirtan chanting will begin sharply at 5:45, led by Damodar Das and KuanYin. Be prepared to sing your heart out for this uplifting event!
Cost: Suggested donation $20 with all proceeds to go to the Foundation of Light.
Details: https://tockify.com/mary.jo/detail/129/1731276000000